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October 11, 2015 at 5:20 pm | 2 Comments »

Here’s a catch up video. Two weeks in one. Rich reviews Scream Queens. Problems with Blue Apron have us considering cancelling our subscription. Our friend Marc showed up again. Mostly to drink my wine. Then I go on a rant about why I dislike religious proselytizers who go door to door. And we wrapped things up at the Castro Street Fair.

2 Comments on “Yo-Yo”

  1. 1 Shari Minton said at 3:50 pm on October 14th, 2015:

    Jehovah’s Witness does the Watchtower. Yeah. I know, you don’t care. But it’s sweltering in San Francisco — riiiigghhht

  2. 2 Mark said at 7:56 pm on October 14th, 2015:

    It was almost in the 90s.

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