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iPhone Ennui

September 17, 2024 at 9:48 am | No Comments »

My iPhone XS turned 6 this month. An advanced age that shows. Its battery can’t get through the day without multiple charging sessions. I’ve noticed it freezing on certain apps (looking at you Meta). And it sports a few battle scars. No surprise that I ordered an iPhone 16.

I did it more from obligation than enthusiasm. I view its Friday delivery with dread. Despite Apple’s well-intentioned migration assistant, the setup process, tweaking preferences, and clicking through those new iOS device now using your Apple ID alerts on all my other devices have become tasks to endure not enjoy. 

As I made my breakfast, I realized that the iPhone quietly has become my least favorite Apple device. My ranking surprised even me. 

  1. Apple Watch
  2. iMac 
  3. iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard
  4. iPhone 

(Not accounting for the two Apple TVs, MacBook, iPad mini, and original iPad still lurking around the house because I don’t use them daily.)

If pressed, I believe the first three would satisfy my daily needs. Did not see the watch at No. 1 even two years ago. It shows the progress Apple made developing it as a standalone. If anything, I find it more useful today than the iPhone I bought on launch day 2007.

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