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February 29, 2004 One thing I did like during the Oscar show was the new campaign for United. The animation, the visual storytelling and most of all the return of "Rhapsody In Blue" as the soundtrack. I'm not going to be tivoing through these spots.
10:06 PM
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The weekend in review. Went autocrossing in a SUV. Contradictory maybe but the Bavarians made it work. Found the bike I want to buy. Probably. And was appalled by Peter Jackson's appearance in HD. Where's Joan Rivers when you need her?
08:56 PM
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February 25, 2004 I've had contacts for a few years now. And I'll be damned if I understand why some days they give me fits but others barely know they're there. Sunday for example, I barely got five hours before they started feeling like little adhesive disks on my corneas. Yet today, I'm on 14 hours and counting with no issues.
09:42 PM
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I think it's safe to say that it doesn't rain much here in San Francisco. And when it does, all hell breaks loose. This morning for example, we got just over 1.29 inches this morning. But you'd think it was a deluge of biblical proportions if you looked outside. Have you ever seen a storm drain turn into a geyser? Click the photo above and wait for 632K animation.
09:26 PM
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February 24, 2004 Anyone else feel as if Bush has declared war on us?
01:42 PM
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February 17, 2004 Six weeks into the year and I've managed not to travel once. That all ends tomorrow though. I've got a day trip to Seattle. Another next week, maybe two even. Yeah, I'm looking forward to being in 19B at 8:55 tomorrow morning. Gotta love paying a couple of hundred extra for the privilege of traveling at the last minute and getting to sit way back in the middle. Friendly skies indeed.
11:26 PM
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February 13, 2004 Rich and I got married today. Please read the previous sentence again. We're one of the first same sex couples in the country with an official marriage license and certificate. I don't care if there are temporary restraining orders and other roadblocks from the asshole conservatives. Restrictions against same sex marriage are inevitably doomed just as the Jim Crow laws were on borrowed time back in the 60s. The difference here is that I never expected legal marriage within my lifetime. I've known it would happen eventually. I just never expected it to happen to me. That's why I'm so stunned -- and enamored -- by our mayor. Gavin Newsom will forever be a hero to me. His position on this is so simple, yet unassailable. "We read the Constitution and it's crystal clear you can't discriminate." With that statement, he's moved us beyond the silly sanctimonious and institutional issues. Invoking equal protection under the law is extremely powerful. It's our constitutional DNA. And with his spectacular sound bite, Mayor Newson has doomed domestic partnership and civil unions to the same status as Jim Crow era drinking fountains labled "White" and "Colored." It might take awhile but I don't believe the majority of Americans will continue to put up with such hypocrisy. But enough with my feeble observations. Let's share some of the joy that exploded though out City Hall today. We spent five hours among thousands of giddy fags and dykes and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
10:32 PM
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February 10, 2004 I find it fascinating that our new mayor Gavin Newson, the candidate who many disparaged as being in the hip pocket of conservative business interests, has been busy appointing women to a slew of top posts throughout the city and now is clearing clerical hurdles to gay marriage. You go Gavin.
11:13 PM
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February 08, 2004 I'm a sucker. I haven't played piano in, well let's just say that Nixon was still in the White House. But that hasn't stopped me from becoming entranced by GarageBand. So this afternoon I took the next logical (?) step and plunked down cash for a midi keyboard (Apple must have gotten a deal because it was way below list) and refresher software. Who knows if I'll actually carry through with this lark. But whatever happens, I promise never to inflict my own compositions on you.
09:31 PM
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February 07, 2004 My absentee ballot for the California primary arrived last night. I don't know which candidate I'll vote for as the presidential nominee. Frankly, it almost seems futile. The press has all but anointed Kerry. And that has me quite depressed. He strikes me as a democratic standard bearer. Yeah, he says most of the right things. But I'm sorry, he doesn't read as genuine. He's such a politician. And I fear he's another Dukakis. Meaning he'll get the party faithful excited but ultimately lose the general election to Bush. Let's hope Kerry at least stays away from tanks.
09:23 PM
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February 03, 2004 I am sick of hearing about Janet Jackson's tit. It's no wonder Europeans laugh at us. Here we have an event aimed at drunken loots in which two media sluts pull a stunt calculated to grab the spotlight. And we collectively react like either horny junior high school boys or priggish librarians. Come on. It was a fleeting glimpse of human anatomy. Nothing more. It's not like she threw Justin down and mounted him while lighting the flag with a burning bible. Of course, I may not be the best judge of this so-called incident. Just about the time it was all going down, I had already flipped to HBO for the Sex and the City in which Samantha reacted to press rumors that her hunk Smith was gay by staging a homemade porn shoot. She had him fuck her doggie style and say to the camera, "I love you Samantha Jones." Great stuff. Also a lovely observation of just how gullible our easily manipulated press is.
07:49 AM
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Would Gore have won if Nader hadn't been in the 2000 race? I don't know. But Ralph Don't Run makes me realize I don't want to see a rerun this year.
07:04 AM
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February 01, 2004 In case you're wondering, yes that's me modeling my new pants. Two things are significant about the photo. First, those are the first piece of camouflage clothing I've ever owned. And two, we now have a full-length mirror in the house. I know, it's shocking. How could two gay men live for over a year without the ability to check their shoes?
11:26 PM
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The counter-programming to today's commercial fest was interesting though about fucking time. Why did it take the networks so long to realize we're here and all that. In addition, the satellite delivered yet another marathon of Queer Eye, gay weddings and Big Eden. Now why would network execs think us homos wouln't be watching? (For the record, I didn't. Though I did look in for a bit of the pregame show and was mightily impressed with CBS's HD picture quality.) |